MosJoomBBcodes first release - 0.0.1


MosJoomBBcodes is a Mambot for Joomla 1.0.x. It will replace BBCodes in Joomla contents with predefined CSS.
This version supports the following BBCodes:

[code][i], [u], [b], [s], [code], [quote], [spoiler], [img], [color], [size], [url][/code]
By default, the mambot uses CSS in /mambots/content/mosjoombbcodes/mosjoombbcodes.css, please edit this file if you want to change the colors, fonts...
If you select "Use my Template CSS" in the Mambot configuration page, please add the following CSS classes to your template css file in your template directory:

MosJoomBBcodes is free and open source under the GPL license.


You can download MosJoomBBCodes here